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Our men's ministry is continually developing and growing. Our goal is to build the body of Christ with men who have a love for Christ and whose character demonstrates courage, integrity and values consistent with biblical principles. While attending church is fundamental to each persons development, true discipleship is measured by how we function in the world, and not just in the church.  Our aim is to help men grow into spiritual maturity by equipping men with the biblical tools to increase in their love and understanding of God, and to encourage them as they lead their families and cultivate a brotherhood within the ministry (Mark 12:31).  Our ministry begins in the church when we come to salvation, but it manifests itself in the world so that others can see Christ formed in us (Galatians 4:19)


We commit to supporting each other spiritually and psychologically both in church and in other social and recreational spaces, to build each other up in the faith, encouraging one another in brotherly love (Hebrews 13:1).  We also commit to being mentors to each other and to young men in and outside the church community.  

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